SPM™ Edge - Bakken

Bakken Services Company Optimizes Frac Operations with On-site Pump Maintenance

Bakken Services Company Optimizes Frac Operations with On-site Pump Maintenance
Bakken Services Company Optimizes Frac Operations with On-site Pump Maintenance

Service and training centers are no more than three hours from any U.S. basin

24/7 responsiveness

Only service center open in Williston during global pandemic

No rush fees


Prevented $100,000 loss of a pump

Reduced NPT and labor costs by providing on-site inspection and maintenance

The Challenge

One of the largest oilfield services providers operating in the Bakken had a frac spread consisting of 14 to 20 pumps. Completing these wells economically meant no flexibility if a pump went down and no time for maintenance. The oilfield services provider required power end maintenance on one of its SPM™ QWS 2500 XL Frac Pumps, but couldn’t afford the NPT involved in powering it down or the labor costs to drive it to SPM™’s Williston Service Center when its personnel had already been reduced due to the global pandemic.

The Approach

To provide critical pump maintenance with as little NPT as possible, SPM™’s Williston Service Center—the only service center open in the region during the global pandemic—brought the shop to the company’s frac site by dispatching a technician to conduct SPM™’s signature 13-point inspection process. After determining the extent of the maintenance required, the technician performed the necessary maintenance services and changed wearable components.

The Result

By performing inspection and maintenance on the frac site, the Williston SPM™ Edge Service Team saved the company significant NPT, equipment, and labor costs. The on-site visit saved the pump, preventing it from becoming a $100,000 loss. It also eliminated the downtime and labor costs involved in changing the pump and making the round trip to SPM™’s Williston Service Center—completely removing the burden of logistics from the company’s shoulders.

The Solution

SPM™ Edge Services, SPM™’s’ global service offering, provides service and training centers in every U.S. basin and every part of the globe. SPM™ Edge Services supports operators with a three-pronged approach that includes global access to local engineering experts, engineered repairs with highly skilled aftermarket support, and industry-leading digital empowerment tools for SPM™ and other OEM equipment, all within a three-hour trip.


The Bakken formation subjects hydraulic fracturing equipment to a brutal high-pressure environment that is below freezing for multiple months. Temperatures dip as low as -30ºF in the winter, placing additional mechanical and process stress on equipment because it takes longer to warm lubrication fluids. In addition, the region’s multiwell pads require high treating pressures and volumes for efficient stimulation.


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