Lift your oilfield operations to new heights.

Lift your oilfield operations to new heights.
Lift your oilfield operations to new heights.

Welcome to SPM™ Seaboard™ Products

Elevating your oilfield

When you need artificial lift, rod guiding and high-pressure well heads, look no further than SPM™ Seaboard™. We’ve done the quality cleanup needed to make an impact in your oilfield, whether it’s carbon capture or geothermal applications.

The right product gets the job done. Get yours today.


Why SPM Seaboard?


Products built to level the oilfield

When you've chosen Rod Lift for the greatest drawdown of any form of lift, we've got the wide variety of artificial lift products you need on the jobsite to complete your system. We offer the products you need for your Rod Lift system, including the polished rod clamp, rod rotator, stuffing box, flow tee and blowout preventer. Build your entire system with SPM Seaboard, or pair our products seamlessly with any existing production equipment.

Why Rod Pumping?

This relatively simple system design is efficient and easy for field operators. The units are easily changed to other wells with minimum cost and can lift high-temperature and viscous oils. The rod pumping system is applicable to multiple completions and is capable of the greatest drawdown of any form of artificial lift, depending on depth and rate.

Easily Integrates With Other Brands

Updated For Ease Of Operation

Wide Range Of PSI Ratings Available

Max String Weights Of 40,000 On Rod Clamps

Slow Gear Rod Rotator Models Available


Oilfield Consumables Catalog


SPM™ Oil & Gas has the most tested and trusted product lines in the oilfield industry, including SPM™ Kemper™, SPM™ Novatech™ and SPM™ Seaboard™.

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All in the Family

SPM’s commitment doesn’t end with Seaboard products. Their deck is stacked with high-quality equipment and parts you can count on, no matter the oilfield application. Take a look at the other product families within Oilfield Consumables.

SPM Kemper

SPM™ Kemper is the most trusted name in unions for drilling, production testing, well completions and interventions.

Shop SPM Kemper
SPM Kemper
SPM Kemper

SPM Novatech

SPM Novatech is the one-stop-shop for all your drilling mud pump expendables.

Shop SPM Novatech
SPM Novatech
SPM Novatech

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